Class reunion web site portal for high school and college classmates

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Jam packed....with features that
will keep your classmates coming
back again and again!

Contact list - provides a place for classmates to exchange contact information. Classmates control how much or how little information they want to share. Lets classmates add biographies, then & now photos. Maintained in a state of the art database that allows admin & reunion committee to easily maintain, access and extract contact information. Optionally enabled password protection of contact listing.

Message boards - online discussions and message exchanges amongst your classmates.

Live chat - schedule live chat sessions with your classmates in your own chat room facilities. Hold live online reunion committee discussions.

Lost & Found - this powerful feature aids in the search of missing classmates by enlisting the help of your fellow classmates.

Reunion committee tools - mass email classmates. Print or export contact listings to create mailing lists and or to include in memory booklets. Maintain who's coming list and keep track of who has paid. Create photo galleries to hold your reunion pictures. Easily setup your site to accept online payment for your reunion event.

Jukebox - play random music midi files from your era while guests browse site.

Look at us now - photo gallery where classmates can share recent photos of themselves.

Reunions - inform classmates about upcoming reunions. See who's coming. Upload photos from your class reunions. Provide links to local area hotels, directions to events, etc.

Looking back - gallery for classmates to share candid images from yesteryear from their personal high school scrapbooks.

Let's get together - event calendar to post information about upcoming events and where classmates can arrange formal and informal get togethers.

Photo galleries - create unlimited number of special interest photo galleries. All photo galleries can also be viewed as slide shows. Admin chooses which galleries publicly uploadable.

Polls - Create custom polls to poll your classmates for interesting facts / opinions. Use to help plan for a reunion event by soliciting classmate preferences.

Photo gallery downloader - lets the site administrator easily download all the photos on your site. Great for creating a continuously running slide show for your upcoming reunion or burn the images to CDs to hand out to your classmates as reunion momentos.

Class trivia - create fun trivia contests to help jar each others memories of the past while at the same time documenting your class history.

Class museum - archive memorabilia from your class past.

Class yearbook - scan pages from your high school yearbook and upload them here to create an online electronic copy of your high school yearbook.

News - keep your class apprised of the latest news that everyone needs to know... reunion announcements, etc.

The clubhouse - create unlimited number of special interest clubs for your classmates (ie cooking club, book club, etc). Each club created has it's own home page, message board, photo gallery and chat room.

In memory of - a special place to pay tribute to classmates who have passed on.

Guest book - a place for site visitors to let you and your classmates know they have visited the site.

Offsite links - add offsite links to other places of interest to your class.

Scrolling marquee - a prominently displayed marquee horizontally scrolls text across the main page of your site to welcome visitors or relay important facts or news to your classmates.

Discussion Groups - easily add additional special interest discussion groups.

Random rotating banner - allows you to add cool effects such as random rotating picture strips of classmates graduation pictures.

Year in review - a place where you can document the significant events and facts of your graduating year.

Classmate birthday pop up - wishes classmates a happy birthday.

Event reminder - customizable pop ups notify your classmates of pending events or important information.

Site Password Protection - optionally enable site password protection so only you and your classmates can access the site.

Screening features - optionally enabled security features let site administrator screen all publicly uploaded content before it appears on your site.

New! Feature Controller - optionally disable features you do not want to use (Trivia, Clubhouse, Poll Booth, Chat, Discussion Groups, Offsite Links, Guestbook, Event Calendar, Yearbook)

Plus much more...

Try the demo and see for yourself just how feature packed and easy it is.

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