As you probably already know some existing subscription based services want to charge each
and every classmate as much as $36 a year to use their underlying services. Services that,
quite frankly, don't even come close to matching the features and personalization capabilities
of our classmate portal.
Sure, a lot of people register their names on those pay per classmate subscription based sites
but unless you and many of your classmates each pay the annual fee and continue to pay that
annual fee there's really not much value any of you get from these services. With our service
you pay a one time setup fee and a yearly hosting fee which covers your entire class regardless
of the size of your class.
Let's do a price comparison........
Pay per classmate subscription service X
Classmate Portal from
We take a unique approach with our class reunion web sites by empowering each graduating class
with the infrastructure and simple to use tools to help them create their own unique, personal &
customized experience. We've designed many dynamic and interactive features into our portal to
keep classmates coming back time and time again. You and your classmates will feel a true sense
of belonging and ownership as you work together to build up and personalize the content of your
very own class web site with personal memorabilia from the past & present.
Talk to who you want, when you want and often as you want......
Unlike other services, we will never get in the way of your communications with other classmates.
In fact our portal actually encourages communication. You are free to directly contact who you
want, when you want and as often as you want.
your entire class on their own website at a fraction of the cost!